Types of License Plates in Oregon

1. Standard License Plates

1.1 Definition and Overview

Standard license plates are the most common type of vehicle registration plates issued in Oregon. These plates are mandatory for all registered vehicles and serve as the primary means of vehicle identification.

1.2 Design and Features

Standard plates typically feature a combination of letters and numbers. The current design includes a background image of Crater Lake, Oregon’s only national park, symbolizing the state’s natural beauty.

1.3 Eligibility and Requirements

All vehicles registered in Oregon are eligible for standard license plates. Vehicle owners must provide proof of ownership, a valid ID, and proof of insurance to apply.

1.4 Application Process

To obtain a standard license plate, vehicle owners must fill out the appropriate forms, submit the required documents, and pay the registration fee at the Oregon DMV.

1.5 Renewal and Fees

Standard license plates must be renewed periodically. The renewal process involves submitting a renewal application and paying the renewal fee, which varies based on the type of vehicle.

2. Special Interest Plates

2.1 Definition and Overview

Special interest plates cater to specific groups or causes. These plates often support charitable organizations, educational institutions, or military services.

2.2 Types of Special Interest Plates

2.2.1 Organizational Plates

Organizational plates support various non-profit organizations. A portion of the plate fee typically goes to the associated organization.

2.2.2 Collegiate Plates

Collegiate plates promote and support Oregon's colleges and universities. They feature school logos and colors.

2.2.3 Military Plates

Military plates honor those who have served in the armed forces. These plates are available for veterans and active service members.

2.2.4 Cultural and Arts Plates

Cultural and arts plates support artistic and cultural initiatives in Oregon. They feature designs that reflect the state’s cultural heritage.

2.3 Eligibility and Requirements

Eligibility for special interest plates varies based on the specific type. Generally, applicants must provide proof of affiliation with the organization or institution.

2.4 Application Process

To apply for special interest plates, vehicle owners must complete an application form, provide the necessary documentation, and pay the associated fees.

2.5 Renewal and Fees

Special interest plates require periodic renewal, with fees varying depending on the type of plate and the organization it supports.

3. Custom Plates

3.1 Definition and Overview

Custom plates, also known as personalized plates, allow vehicle owners to choose a unique combination of letters and numbers for their plates.

3.2 Design and Features

Custom plates feature a personalized message chosen by the vehicle owner, subject to approval by the Oregon DMV to ensure appropriateness and availability.

3.3 Eligibility and Requirements

All registered vehicles in Oregon are eligible for custom plates. Applicants must comply with the DMV’s guidelines for acceptable combinations.

3.4 Application Process

The application process for custom plates involves submitting a request form with the desired combination, along with the required fees.

3.5 Renewal and Fees

Custom plates need to be renewed regularly. The renewal fee for custom plates is typically higher than standard plates due to the personalized nature.

4. Disabled Person Plates

4.1 Definition and Overview

Disabled person plates provide special parking privileges for individuals with disabilities, making it easier for them to access facilities.

4.2 Design and Features

These plates feature a wheelchair symbol, indicating that the vehicle is authorized to use designated disabled parking spaces.

4.3 Eligibility and Requirements

To qualify for disabled person plates, applicants must provide medical certification of their disability.

4.4 Application Process

The application process involves submitting medical documentation and completing the appropriate forms at the DMV.

4.5 Renewal and Fees

Disabled person plates must be renewed periodically. Renewal fees are generally lower than standard plates.

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